Restarting After Troubled Times.
The destructive events of May which brought the Sundays River Valley economy to a standstill reached every part of the society of the valley. Not only were farmers faced with loss of working days and damage to property, but farm workers could not go to work, taxis could not move people, and tourism establishments could not operate.
It is clear now that cause of the unrest stems from the very systemic inequality which the SRVC is working to address, but also to a lack of collaboration between sectors of society. It is also clear that what started out as an isolated incident, was seized upon by opportunistic parties seeking to destablise the valley’s economy.
The SRVC members must be commended for the resolve shown in this time during which they were active in calming tensions in the valley’s communities even when their own safety was threatened.
Coming out of this period, the SRVC is ever more determined to continue its work in building strong and collaborative relationships between sectors of society in order to achieve inclusive well-being and reduced inequality.
The past two months have been incredibly busy for the SRVC and there are still many exciting things on the horizon which we look greatly to sharing.
If you have any queries about the SRVC, would like to become involved with the organisation, or would like to support the SRVC or any of its initiatives, please get in touch via email at visit our website at, or find us on facebook.